Tag Archives: brown

Brown is such a rich, deep, warm colour that it calms the mind, creates a welcoming environment and promotes togetherness. At the same time, it stimulates hunger for life. Like hot cocoa. Which shade do you prefer? Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?

More often than not, brown is frowned upon or even made fun of. Some say it is bland, dull and perhaps a little sad. However, you can find a velvety brown as you would find a velvety red. You can also find a stylish brown as you would find a stylish blue. Take the time to explore all the different shades of brown.

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Brown and neutral tones blend beautifully well together. Take, for example, chocolate brown, caramel brown, coffee brown, hazel brown, chestnut brown, dark brown, Sienna, mahogany, amber, terracotta, sepia, cream, ivory beige, and ochre. Otherwise, if applied according to the glazing technique, you could create a nice faux leather brown.[……]

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