IISPROD04 - en - en

Via Capitale Accès

Real estate agency

Contact Info

Cell: 450 567-0660
Toll free: 1866 677-0101

About Us

To sell quickly and at the best price, I do all that it is necessary to attract and reassure the buyers. With me, their purchase is covered by free protections; at any time, I am available to explain this program to you.

Of course, my sales work also includes all the basic services such as the preparation of an opinion of the commercial value, the advertisement of your property on important web sites and in various media, the negotiation, etc.

Call me, my competence and my knowledge are at your service !

Spoken language(s)

French , English

Years of experience



( 4 )
  • Date 2014-01-01 12:00:00 AM
    Title Formation continue obligatoire sur la collaboration
    CEU/CEUV* 2
  • Date 2013-12-02 12:00:00 AM
    Title Dirigeant d'agence, plus qu'un administrateur
    CEU/CEUV* 5
  • Date 2013-01-01 12:00:00 AM
    Title Formation obligatoire sur les nouveautés et modifications apportés aux formulaires - formation en ligne
    CEU/CEUV* 4
  • Date 2010-08-18 12:00:00 AM
    Title Session exclusive aux courtiers du Réseau immobilier La Capitale - La nouvelle Loi sur le courtage immobilier
    CEU/CEUV* 6
*CEU: Continuing Education Units
**CEUV: Via Capitale Continuing Education Units

Properties for Sale

  • 379 000 $

    chambre noir
    SDB noir
    espace noir
    1 + 1
  • 469 000 $
    Two or more storey

    chambre noir
    SDB noir
    espace noir
    1 + 1
    2 400pi²
  • SOLD
    Two or more storey

    chambre noir
    SDB noir
    espace noir
    2 + 2
    3 200pi²
  • SOLD
    Two or more storey

    chambre noir
    SDB noir
    espace noir
    1 + 2
    1 500pi²
  • 2900 $ / month

    chambre noir
    SDB noir
    espace noir
    2 336pi²
  • 679 000 $

    chambre noir
    SDB noir
    espace noir
    1 + 1
    2 336pi²
  • 1 595 000 $ + GST/QST
    Commercial building/Office

    chambre noir
    SDB noir
    espace noir