Amid this lingering heatwave, simply looking at a freshwater feature in the backyard is a visual delight. Dipping your toes and listening to the sound of the water trickling is even more enjoyable. Here are a few tips on how to build a cool summer refuge.

Begin by digging a hole until you reach the target depth, following the manufacturer’s instructions, then cover the bottom with a 3-5 cm layer of sand. Make sure you take the time to remove anything that may damage the water basin first, like rocks, roots, buried pieces of wood, etc.[……]

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You will need to consider many factors before choosing the right flooring material for your patio, like its resistance, comfort, maintenance, harmony with the outdoor decor and recreational space. Here is an overview of the options available.

Natural stone paving on a bed of sand is very popular. There are so many options to choose from, like granite, slate, limestone, sandstone, etc. This type of flooring pairs very well with the surrounding vegetation, especially if the stones are laid randomly. It creates a very natural look.

Fill out the joints with sand, pebbles, earth (mixed in with sand to prevent collapsing). If possible, try to stay away from mortar to let the rainwater penetrate directly into the ground. The downside: very porous stone is not very resistant to freezing temperatures. In addition, it stains easily.[……]

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It increases the value of the property by adding an extra room. It lets in plenty of sunlight. It reduces the energy bill by trapping in heat. It enhances the look of the exterior. Are you thinking about a veranda? Then, you’re absolutely right.

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This space, called a veranda, features large windows and was unpopular among the baby boomers. It looked old-fashioned, so they said. The ecological trend has changed that mindset. Besides trapping in heat during the day and dispersing it throughout the house at night, the veranda pleases plant-lovers too. It’s the ideal place to grow many plant species.

From the practical perspective, a well-equipped veranda can easily become a dining area, a reading space, an office, a place to play board games, listen to music or watch a movie. It can even include an indoor pool.[……]

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Not only is aesthetic lighting allowed in the kitchen, but it’s actually prescribed. After all, isn’t this the room where we spend most of our time in? However, as it is primarily a working area where we tend to move around a lot, practical lighting must take precedence.

During the day, nothing beats natural light. If you are thinking of renovating the kitchen, consider putting in some windows. Think of large windows and if possible skylights. You will notice lower energy bills, which are quite considerable.

Featured somewhere: small rectangular windows between the ceiling and the top of the cabinets, or a sliding window as a backsplash. Brilliant![……]

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A floating parquet floor is still quite popular and gains in quality. Its most significant asset is that it suits almost any decor. Moreover, its installation is relatively straightforward. Here are the basic guidelines.

  • A few days before the installation, lay the planks in the specific room to allow them to get acclimated.
  • Make sure the solid base on which the floor will be installed has no trace of moisture.
  • There is no need to remove the existing floor (unless it is carpeting) to install the floating parquet floor as long as it is properly levelled so that the surface is clean and smooth.
  • You will need to install a membrane to stifle sounds and vibrations. It will also act as a thermal insulator. It can be made of polyethylene foam or cork.
  • When laying the planks, make sure to leave a gap of approximately 10 millimetres between the floor and wall to allow the wood to move freely when humidity and temperature variations force it to expand. Otherwise, the planks will curl.
  • Begin with the straightest and longest wall, uninterrupted by the door for example, and finish with the wall with the most cut-outs. Thus, the imperfections will show less.
  • All kinds of spacers, long ruler or string, can help you keep a consistent gap around the room’s perimeter. Baseboards or quarter-round moldings will hide the joint along the walls.


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The beauty of wallpaper is that no special skills are needed to install it. Although some wall coverings are more difficult to hang than others, you will need to follow these basic guidelines.

Vinyl wallpaper is the easiest to install. Embossed (or textured) wall coverings and metallic wallpaper are more difficult. Especially the metallic ones, which can be extremely frustrating to install for some.

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The traditional wallpaper is somewhere in between.

You can install wallpaper in every room. However, thick vinyl wallpaper is usually best hung in the kitchen and in the bathroom. Vinyl does not trap dust mites and is resistant to mold and mildew. Note that some traditional wall coverings are more resistant than others. Some materials are preferable in humid conditions.[……]

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Years have passed and it seems your basement is in need of a little TLC. Or, you may have witnessed last spring’s catastrophic floods, which are expected to happen over and over again, so maybe you want to keep your basement dry next year? If so, follow this guide.

While you are at it, why not check the radon level in your home. Is this cancer-causing gas seeping into your basement? The detection device is sold in large shopping centres and hardware stores. If you do not believe this gas is present in your home because you have not smelled it, think again. Radon is odourless and colourless. If the level is high, the Écohabitation organization has designed a system, supported by drawings, to evacuate the gas.

On the Écohabitation website, you will find the basic steps to waterproof your basement in a sustainable manner. Here is a quick summary.[……]

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