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Renovations: 5 Facts to Consider in Order To Protect The Environment

Are you looking to carry out environmentally friendly renovations? Here are some ideas to guide you in this sensible choice!

By focusing on these 5 categories, you will certainly be putting your attention in the right place.


Improve Insulation

We recommend certified insulation. It will reduce energy loss in both summer and winter. For a green option, choose insulation made from hemp, cotton wool, wood fibers, linen wool, straw, and cork, all of which are excellent eco-friendly insulators.

Focus On Energy Efficiency

Another way to renovate ecologically is to opt for new appliances with excellent energy efficiency, such as those with the Energy Star logo. Also make sure that you have good quality, waterproof windows and that there is no loss of heat or air conditioning, depending on the season. You can also switch out your thermostats for the electronic or programmable type.

Choose Eco-Responsible Certified Materials

When it comes time to choose the materials you will use for your renovations, opt for those that have an ecological certification. For example, Recyc Éco certification applies to products containing recycled materials.


Opt For Products Without Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

A good way to do your part for the environment during your renovation work is to choose products that contain little or no volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

VOCs come from chemicals that evaporate into the air. They can be found everywhere (building materials, paint, glue, varnish, etc.). They are not only bad for the environment, but they can also cause health problems. Be sure to ventilate the rooms of your home during the renovation process and choose recycled paints or VOC-free water and latex paints, for example. We also suggest that you choose water-based and VOC-free floor finishing products.

Choose Local Materials

Choosing local products not only helps support the economy and merchants in your area, but also allows you to reduce your carbon footprint by avoiding the long-distance transportation of materials used for your renovations. This can be for building or finishing materials as well as for furniture and accessories.

Not to worry, proper planning will allow you to make ecological choices without breaking your budget! Happy planning!