Years have passed and it seems your basement is in need of a little TLC. Or, you may have witnessed last spring’s catastrophic floods, which are expected to happen over and over again, so maybe you want to keep your basement dry next year? If so, follow this guide.

While you are at it, why not check the radon level in your home. Is this cancer-causing gas seeping into your basement? The detection device is sold in large shopping centres and hardware stores. If you do not believe this gas is present in your home because you have not smelled it, think again. Radon is odourless and colourless. If the level is high, the Écohabitation organization has designed a system, supported by drawings, to evacuate the gas.

On the Écohabitation website, you will find the basic steps to waterproof your basement in a sustainable manner. Here is a quick summary.[……]

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Some people buy their home without thinking that they will sell it one day. If they like the house, that’s all that counts. The investment aspect is trivial to them. In contrast, others buy their home according to the property’s resale value. They want to maximize their buying power. Perhaps advice is needed here?

Listing all the factors which determine how a property’s value may fare over the course of time would be too long, but Via Capitale experts will provide you with a few.

The location of the property you wish to buy is of utmost importance for its resale value. For example, if you live in a high-density neighbourhood, the added value of the renovations you will carry out will be much greater than in a less populated area. That’s just how it is in a competitive market.

If the neighbourhood that you will live in is unattractive, has adverse economic conditions, and is far from retail and public services, no matter how hard you try to increase the value of your home with different upgrades, your efforts will be unsuccessful. You would only be wasting money.[……]

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This article is intended for two types of buyers. Those who favour the resale value of the property they want to buy and those who wish to go green and buy a sustainable and ecological home, usually Gen Y first-time buyers (Millenials).

Who would have thought that we would see the words “ecological” and “profitable” in the same sentence someday? Within the next 20 years, sustainable and ecological homes will see their value increase. They have a good resale potential.

Ecological homes have many characteristics. First off, its size is equivalent to the household’s needs, it contains healthy and sustainable materials, its energy consumption (heating and cooling) is considerably reduced and its materials have a high recycling potential.

According to Écohabitation, metal roofs, made of painted or galvanized steel, have a life expectancy of more than 50 years. They require no maintenance and are 100% recyclable. Wood, composite wood, and EPDM roofs are almost as durable. Other materials are also recommended, but stay away from asphalt shingles![……]

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Thinking of buying your first home but worried about making such a big commitment? We address 3 concerns shared by first-time buyers.

  1. Young people can’t afford to buy a house anymore. 

When the Government of Canada tightened mortgage requirements last fall, it was all over the news. House prices have evened out a little; as for condos, it’s still very much a buyer’s market. And that’s good news for first-time buyers!

Here are some tips to be able to afford your first home:

  • Get started early
  • Save for a down payment
  • Consider your financial commitments
  • Set aside 3% of the value of your house for start-up costs
  • Get pre-approved for a mortgage loan
  • Work with expertsand ask questions


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At this time of year, the vegetation’s green colour is at its best: tender, pure, intense, bright. As we see this brand new greenery pop through our windows, we wonder why we haven’t spread it indoors. Today is the day we stop wondering and we just do it.

Green is soothing, a quality much appreciated in a child’s bedroom. Green is purifying, which makes it an ideal colour for the bathroom and the kitchen; but, especially the bathroom where blue and white, combined with the green, create a natural and fresh look. Green also evokes health, spring freshness and good living.

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If the fenestration is abundant, that’s even better because the natural sunlight will give the green more radiance. If you add mouldings, stone and parquet flooring to this decor, you will create the most natural design.[……]

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May is certainly the best time to undertake outdoor renovations in the hopes of taking better advantage of the long summer evenings ahead. Here is general advice to create or renovate a recreational space, such as a patio, deck or garden.

Before building a deck, consider all the relevant factors. There are quite a few. Are you looking for more sunlight or more shade? What scenery would you like to see every day? Would it bother you if the neighbours could see in your backyard? Do you want the garden or the kid’s play area to connect with the deck? Would you rather have a deck close to the home or farther away?

Bricks, concrete blocks and terracotta tiles are the best materials for building a patio: they will give you the possibility to leave space to plant vegetation. That is what we call a green patio. Designing green spaces between hard material not only looks stylish, it also creates a cool oasis, however small it may be, for your recreational space during hot summer days.

Wood is a material that is accessible to everyone, or almost. Building a wooden pathway is relatively easy. As for a wooden deck, a handyman can eventually extend it every year by installing joists, if need be.[……]

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