Lights in a glass staircase

Glass is often used in decoration: vases, knickknacks, lamps and stained glass windows. We often use it to erect a low wall in a bathroom to separate the toilet from other sanitary fixtures.

However, glass isn’t used very often as the base material for staircases. But if you look at the photo, you can see that it has quite an impressive effect.


Wikipedia reminds us that glass is a very solid material. Primarily made of sand, of which there is a virtually inexhaustible supply, it’s ecological, especially since it doesn’t need a sealant. Its rot-proof and inflammable, which makes it very long-lasting.

And talk about durability! Glass panels measuring one and a half to four inches used in stairs are stronger than stone or granite. The thicker the glass, the stronger it is. Since glass isn’t porous, it’s easy to maintain.

The texture of glass varies: crackled, brushed or suggesting a wavy effect or droplet. Glass is far from ordinary, and can even be fanciful.

Transparent, glass also offers a natural colour called aqua, a slight greenish hue that evokes certain soft drink bottles. Installing lights in the staircase will add tone to the colour, while providing good luminosity. The process is highly recommended for stairs located between two walls, since they often don’t benefit from natural lights.

Depending on the colour of the bulbs, you obtain a warm or alluring atmosphere. If you’re just looking for luminosity, non-tinted bulbs are more suitable and will provide a different atmosphere. Keep in mind that these bulbs use LED technology. They use less electricity, generate very little heat and have a very long life. It’s not very likely that you’ll have to change bulbs, but if you do, it will be child’s play because the glass panels are sealed with.

Thanks to Karl Desjardins, director of communications, consultant at Thinkglass for having given us additional information and the authorization to use one of their photos.

Glass steps are also available from other merchants like Planchers Dava.


References: verre Wikipedia (French article); Thinkglass.
Photo: Thinkglass.