Tag Archives: wood

You get up feeling sluggish one morning. Dark and pessimistic. Someone peels an orange just beside you. What a pleasant odor. Suddenly things seem much brighter.

Do the blues hit you in the middle of the day? You have a glass of fresh orange juice and suddenly you feel lighter.

A depressing evening after a bad day. Dusk is fantastic. You take two minutes to contemplate it. The orange of the sky soothes you. You already feel better.

Orange is freshness, love of life and calmness. Three sensations that perform miracles in decoration.

The colour orange stimulates the senses without putting them into the overdrive that comes from red, while leaving the softness and serenity of yellow.

The ideal vivid colour, orange is a must for a room with citrus tones, along with citrus yellow and lime green. Add some red and you obtain a vintage effect that evokes the happenings of the 1960s.

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No need to drown a room in orange to appreciate this warm colour, even though it does exist. We once saw a living room that was orange from one end to another. Projectors mounted in various places of the room mirrored shining halos on numerous glass surfaces. The effect was staggering.[……]

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Do you want to update your melamine kitchen or bathroom cabinets? The most economical way is to repaint them or apply a faux finish to the cabinets and doors. Let your imagination run wild! However, if you can invest a bit of time and money, here are a few ideas that require a bit of patience and dexterity.

These ideas involve covering your cupboard cabinets and doors with materials you can find in big-box stores.


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The first thing that comes to mind when you think of pre-finished panelling are the brown-groove imitation-wood panels that still cover many walls. Vestige of a bygone era? What do you do with it? Remove it? Reuse it?

Walls that are finished with this material use grooves, wood or plastic baseboards and door and window frames.

If you want to reuse this panelling, be careful when removing the nails (dry wood breaks easily). Then it’s up to you to decide if you want to reuse them in a pantry or other fairly hidden space.[……]

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